Reading & Healing

Vision of profound healing is all about growing and seeking where you want to be in life. We all have a vision to the dreams and ultimate life we want. Our journey here on this planet is profound, but sometimes we need a bit of assistance with getting where we want to be. healing starts with you, no one can heal your wounds but yourself. we are here to guide you and help you to the healing and abundance you seek.


The dreams we have in our minds wouldn’t be there unless we were able to follow and experience them. Dare to dream! We would love to help you uncover and clear out any blocks on the levels you feel stuck. What is hindering you? What is getting in the way of you living your dream life? What is blocking you from finding peace? Love? You deserve to live the life you want.


If you can dream it, you can build it. Building your life starts with you. It takes courage to look at your wounds and take action to clear what might be getting in the way of your healing, growth and happiness. What will it take to enjoy your life? What would it be like to thrive and not just survive? It is our privilege to guide you and help you heal. Thank you for being here and for being curious and courageous enough to come this far.

Belive it

We believe that as human beings we all have abilities and natural gifts. We are all capable of healing ourselves and of clearing patterns and blocks that have been carried through generations. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of those gifts and it’s helpful to have someone guide us and help us heal through what we might not be able to see on our own. It might take some digging and courage, but we are all capable of making our own world and reality true to who we are and how we want to live this life.